Welcome to kaipaki church
In the heart of rural Waikato, on the border of Cambridge is the beautiful Kaipaki district. With a farming heritage going back a couple of hundred years, Kaipaki has one of the oldest chapels in New Zealand, built in 1871 and moved to it's current site on the corner of Mellow Road and Kaipaki Road in 1901.
Like many small, rural districts, Kaipaki has a great history and a wonderful community that care for the area and take pride in looking after it. At the centre of this community is Kaipaki Church, that now meets every Sunday at 11am.
If you're looking for a small, friendly place to come and learn and grow in your understanding of God, then we'd love to see you!
Come and join us on Sunday mornings at 11am
Walk N Wednesday
Early morning - Early afternoon
Open door to all, enjoy the peaceful calm setting while taking a seat to sit and pray.

Christmas tree goes up
1st December join us 3pm with our local kaipaki school children. Prayer stars available on the day and available throughout December. All are welcome.

Christmas Carols
24th December 7:30pm join us to celebrate Jesus Birth. Live music and Christmas treats

Our History
In 1871 the original church was built and used for Sunday worship alternatively by Methodists and Presbyterians. In 1901 it was moved, with the help of a traction engine, to the present site. Then in 1926, when it was due for repair, the proposal of a new non-denominational church was agreed to with trustees from each of the Methodist, Presbyterian and Anglican churches. This new non-denominational church was opened in 1928.
So, in 2021 this beautiful little church turned 150 years old.